The Government funding is intended to cover the cost to deliver 15 or 30 hours a week of funded, high quality, flexible childcare. It is not intended to cover the cost of other consumables, additional hours or additional services. The Provider can charge for meals and snacks as part of a funded entitlement place and they can also charge for consumables and for services such as trips, breakfast club etc.
Early Education for 2 year olds (FEET)
Feet funding offers eligible children up to 15 hours free early years provision a week a from the term after their second birthday. Applications for FEET funding can be made via and searching for FEET
Eligible Working Familes
15 hours funding available for children from the term after they turn 9 months for eligible working familes each parent earns, on average, a weekly minimum equivalent to 16 hours at national minimum wage (NMW) or national living wage (NLW) and less than £100,000 per year.
Universal Funding
If the child is 3 between September and December they will be eligible for the funding from the following January. If they are 3 between January and March they will be eligible for the funding from April. If they turn 3 between April and August they will be eligible for the grant from the following September.
We will give you the forms to complete at the necessary time, and we will need you to show us the Birth Certificate of your child as proof of date of birth.
If a child is to leave our setting before moving on to school, or to reduce the number of sessions attended, parents must give at least six weeks’ notice of the leaving date in writing. Fees will be payable (or grant claimed by us), until that date.
We are flexible about attendance patterns and wherever possible accommodate the needs of individual children and families. The nursery education funding rules state that 'I understand my child could lose their funded place if they do not attend regularly without a reason being provided for their absence'. Therefore, if your child has not attended half of their sessions in any half term period (usually 6 or 7 weeks) they will lose their place at the nursery unless they have a valid reason (e.g. letter from doctor in the case of serious illness or holiday).
The hours can be shared between three settings however if you wish to withdraw your child a full terms notice is required as funding cannot be transferred to another provider within a school term unless agreed by Surrey County Council. Go it to apply.
Government funding is intended to cover the cost to deliver 15 or 30 hours a week of funded, high quality, flexible childcare. It is not intended to cover the cost of meals, other consumables, additional hours or additional services.
Weekly Childcare costs -
This is worked out on the number of hours attend
£25.00 Consumable charge - Up to 15 hours a week
Example, child attends for 14 hours a week weekly payment is - £23.33
£40.00 Consumable charge - Up to 30 hours a week
Example, child attends for 21 hours a week weekly payment is - £28.00
For parents on Early Years Pupil Premium we ask for a voluntary donation.
Snack £1.00 a session
Breakfast Club £4:50 a morning
For sessions outside of funding fees are charged at £8.20 an hour
Will be sent out at the beginning of each half term for that term, and payment is due within two weeks. We encourage parents/carers to speak to the nursery manager if there are any issues with payment, in which case alternative arrangements will be made. Payment can be made by cash, bank transfer and childcare voucher scheme (please check with us that we are signed up to your employment scheme).
We appreciate that from time to time children are absent from Nursery and this can be for various reasons such as a holiday, illness and family commitments. Regrettably if you child is absent we are unable to reduces the fees for your child as your child’s space is reserved for them and therefore we
are unable to fulfil the space for the period that they are absent.